Salesian Co-operators Association

  • Salesian Co-operators Association

  • Co-ordinator

    Mr.Joseph Busuttil






    [email protected]


    Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB,






    [email protected]

    The Association of Salesian Cooperators was canonically erected by Pope Pius IX in a Decree ‘Cum sicuti’ of May 9th 1876 and the plans of Don Bosco for the First General Chapter of the Salesian Society in 1877 was to consider the Cooperators the “soul of the Congregation”.
    The Salesian Cooperators (men and women), who although they have no religious vows, follow a vocation to holiness. Animated by the Salesian Society, like it, have essentially the same scope, to offer themselves to every good work of charity for the young and poor boys in the spirit of Don Bosco, in the service of the local church and in communion with the Salesian Congregation.
    The Salesian Cooperators Association in Malta dates back to year 1883 through the Salesian Bulletin which was finding its way to Malta. Prof. Mons. Luigi Farrugia, a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter, was so impressed by the wonderful undertakings of Don Bosco that he rallied a large group of men and women to form an Association of Cooperators in Malta and make people want the Salesians of Don Bosco to establish in Malta. He became their first Spiritual Director for their formation and in pursuit of his aims he went to Turin met Don Bosco and visited his Oratory at Valdocco.
    The Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation is also the Superior of the Association and carries out in it the functions of Supreme Moderator. The motto of the Association is ‘da mihi animas, caetera tolle’ (give me souls, take away the rest).