Archbishop Emeritus Mgr Paul Cremona O.P.’s Messages

Pope on Vienna attack: Enough violence, only love can silence hate

Pope Francis has expressed his “deepest sympathy to the families of the victims” and to all the people of Austria following the tragic terror attack that saw at least four people dead and fifteen more injured on Monday night. 

Telegram of closeness

His closeness came in a telegram addressed to Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, and signed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican’s Secretary of State… Read more »

Concert by the band of the Armed Forces of Malta in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza

The annual concert by the band of the Armed Forces of Malta in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza will this year take place at the Metropolitan Cathedral of St Paul in Mdina on Friday 6th December at 8pm. The concert will be under the patronage of the President of Malta, Dr George Vella who will also present the Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi Award 2019 to the winner who will be announced during the evening… Read more »

“Remember your good deeds and always thank the Lord” – Archbishop Emeritus

Celebration of the Jubilee of Mercy for the Elderly

  • L-Erbgħa, 14 ta’ Settembru 2016, l-Arċisqof Emeritu Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P. iċċelebra Quddiesa fil-Ġublew tal-Ħniena għall-anzjani, fil-Katidral tal-Imdina. It-tema ta’ din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni kienet ‘Il-ferħ tal-Ħniena t’Alla’. Qabel bdiet il-Quddiesa, l-anzjani nġabru fi Pjazza San Pawl biex jgħaddu mill-Bieb tal-Ħniena tal-Katidral. Wara, ġiet iċċelebrata l-Quddiesa ma’ numru kbir ta’ anzjani minn diversi parroċċi u djar tal-anzjani. 

    L‑attività ġiet organizzata mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta bis‑sehem tal‑Kapitlu Metropolitan, il‑Caritas, id‑Direttur Djar tal‑Anzjani, is‑Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali tal‑Azzjoni Kattolika, u l‑Għaqda Maltija Trasport tal‑Morda f’Lourdes.  


    Homily by Archbishop Emeritus Mgr Paul Cremona O.P. 

  • 14 ta’ Settembru 2016

    Katidral tal-Imdina


    Ħuti, illum mal-Knisja kollha qegħdin nagħmlu il-festa tal-Eżaltazzjoni tas-Salib ta’Sidna Ġesù Kristu…

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Message by Archbishop Paul Cremona during the Diocesan Assembly 2014

  • Skola Santa Monika, Birkirkara
    10 ta’ Ottubru 2014

    Alla l-imbierek ħalaq id-dinja b’ħafna mħabba. Huwa ried li d-dinja tkun tista’ titmexxa skont il-pjan tiegħU għal ġid tal-bnedmin uliedu. Ried li jkun hemm armonija bejn il-bnedmin. B’xorti ħażina dan ma seħħx. Għalhekk bagħat lil Ibnu biex jgħallima ngħixu skont il-pjan tiegħu, u Ġesù waqqaf saltna ta’ ġustizzja u paċi mibnija fuq l-imħabba…

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Archbishop’s Message on the Feast of the Holy Rosary

  • Parroċċa Marija Annunzjata – Balzan
    5 ta’ Ottubru 2014

    Qed niċċelebraw il-festa tar-Rużarju Mqaddes. Ir-rużarju huwa don minn għand Alla l-Missier għalina l-Insara li nemmnu. Dak li aħna nagħmlu fil-liturġija tul sena: twelid ta’ Ġesù, mewt ta’ Ġesù, il-qawmien ta’ Ġesù aħna nikkontemplawh fir-rużarju f’erbat ijiem. Meta ngħidu r-rużarju inkunu qed nerġgħu ngħaddu dawk il-mirakli, dawk il-misteri ta’ Ġesù biex aħna nkunu nafuhom aktar…

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Archbishop’s Message on the occasion of the Opening of the Pastoral Year of the Cana Movement

  •  Ċentru Pastorali Sant’Andrija, il-Mosta
    27 ta’ Settembru 2014

    Il-Ftuħ tas-Sena Pastorali tal-Moviment ta’ Kana, din is-sena qed isir fil-kuntest tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet dwar il-Familja. Għall-Papa Franġisku, tant hi importanti l-familja li mhux sinodu wieħed sejjaħ, imma tnejn. Ftit ġranet oħra ser tibda tiltaqa’ l-Assembleja Ġenerali Straordinarja tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet. Is-Sena d-dieħla tiltaqa’ l-Assembleja Ġenerali Ordinarja tas-Sinodu ta;-Isqfijiet, dejjem bil-familja bħala tema…

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Archbishop’s homily during Mass on the 40th anniversary of the Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Emeritus Mgr Guzeppi Mercieca

  • Katidral tal-Imdina
    29 ta’ Settembru 2014

    Ħuti, aħna ġejna hawn llum biex nirringrazzjaw lil Alla flimkien mal-Arċisqof Emeritu Ġużeppi Mercieca, għall-erbgħin sena tal-episkopat tiegħu. Nirringrazzjaw lill-Mulej li tul dawn l-erbgħin sena kien dejjem mal-Arċisqof tagħna.

    Jiena llum xtaqt li naqsam magħkom riflessjoni dwar x’inhu l-episkopat, u dak li jippermetti Alla l-Imbierek minn dan l-episkopat. U llum ir-riflessjoni se nagħmilha fuq erba’ aspetti…

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Archbishop’s message on the installation of the new Archpriest of Mdina Mons. Anthony Cassar

  • The Cathedral, Mdina
    21st September 2014

    Il-parabbola li smajna fil-Vanġelu tal-lum (Mt 20, 1-16)  nistgħu nispjegawha li Kristu kien qed jagħti tagħlima lill-Lhud: mhux billi l-pagani ġew wara, se jieħdu inqas, jew intom għax ġejtu mill-Antik Testment se tieħdu iktar. Alla jħobb lil kulħadd u hu ħanin ma’ kulħadd.  

    F’dan il-Vanġelu naħseb li għandna żewġ tagħlimiet li huma ħafna importanti…

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Archbishop’s homily during Mass in preparation for the Feast of St Mary

  • The Cathedral, Victoria, Gozo
    7th August, 2014

    Ħuti, il-Konċilju Vatikan it-tieni kien enfasizza ħafna li l-Madonna hija interċesura tagħna quddiem il-Missier. Imma ma nitsgħux nieqfu hemm. Il-Madonna għalina hija mudell ta’ dawk li jridu jimxu wara Kristu, mudell ta’ dixxiplu. Għalhekk irridu nkunu aktar attenti biex insiru nafu min hi l-Madonna. Minn dawn iż-żewġ lezzjonijiet tal-ġurnata, m’għażilnihomx aħna, slitt xi riflessjonijiet li xtaqt naqsam magħkom fid-dawl ta’ kif għexet il-Madonna…

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Archbishops homily during Pontifical Mass on the occasion of Independence Day

  • Konkatridral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta
    21 ta’ Settembru 2014

    This year, the Independence celebrations take on an added value as we commemorate  fifty years since our people took responsibility for governing their own nation.  To our credit, since that time, we have made giant steps as a nation.  For this we thank God; we also thank Him for the fact that Malta achieved its independence without any shedding of blood.  

    Later in our history, as an independent country, we were able to become part of the European Union.  Although we are a small nation, we are offering a valid contribution as part of this Union.  Through our independence, we have become more aware of our heritage, of our country’s worth.  As we share our patrimony with other European countries, let us appreciate these realities.  Let us safeguard our mother tongue (the Maltese language), the richness of our history and our archaeology, and our Catholic religion, which has always been treasured by our forefathers, who battled to protect it…

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