Archbishop’s Homilies

Let’s welcome everyone with an open heart as St Publius did – The Archbishop

Mass on the feast of St Publius

  The Parish Church of St Publius, Floriana

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Fl-antifona sabiħa ta’ San Publiju, li titkanta u tindaqq fil-festa solenni li nagħmlulu, kif jixraq, lil Publiju nagħtuh dan it-titlu sabiħ: O Melitæ digna proles – ‘Wild dehen ta’ Malta’. Ippermettuli din is-sena, naqsam magħkom ħsieb qasir, ispirat minn dan it-titlu li aħna nagħtu lil San Publiju, li wkoll hu taħt l-apside ta’ din il-Knisja.

Il-Kelma ‘Malta’ għandha żewġ etimoloġiji… Read more »

The Archbishop’s message to new deacons: Serve the Church with a gentle heart

Mass with the ordination of four new deacons

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Qed nippreżentaw lill-Mulej erba’ żgħażagħ li quddiem il-Knisja għadhom kemm ikkonfermaw mhux biss il-prezenża tagħhom imma wkoll id-deċiżjoni tagħhom. Immedjatament wara din l-omelija, fid-djalogu mal-Isqof se jieħdu impenji għal ħajjithom kollha. Imma l-impenn l-iżjed fundamentali u li l-Knisja titlob fuqhom illum hu dak li jibqgħu sħaħ fit-talb. Hekk titlob il-Knisja fuq id-djakni il-ġodda – biex bil-ħeġġa fil-ħidma tagħhom ikollhom servizz b’qalb ħelwa u jżommu ruħhom sħaħ sal-aħħar fit-talb… Read more »

We pray that during your term you promote a spirit of collaboration, loyalty and harmony among us – The Archbishop

Mass on the inauguration of the President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono

Our father in faith, St Paul the Apostle, encouraged Malta’s early Christian community to pray eagerly for the civil authorities “to lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” (1 Tim 2:2)

This is also our prayer today as we congratulate the President-Elect Myriam Spiteri Debono, on the day she formally begins her service to the State as President of Malta… Read more »

Resurrection brings peace of heart brought by the forgiveness of sins through reconciliation – The Archbishop

Mass on Easter Sunday

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

“Tawh il-mewt billi dendluh mal-għuda tas-Salib; imma Alla qajmu mill-imwiet fit-tielet jum” (Atti 10:39-40). Aħna xhud ta’ dan kollu. “Lilna ordnalna biex inxandruh lill-poplu u nixhdu li dan hu dak li Alla għamlu mħallef tal-ħajjin u tal-mejtin” (Atti 10:42). L-istqarrija ta’ Pietru hi l-fidi tal-Knisja, li aħna qed niċċelebraw. Hi l-fidi li tikkonferma wkoll is-silta tal-Evanġelju li għadna kemm smajna… Read more »

Can peace be with us? – Archbishop

Peace among nations, and in some cases within nations, is in tatters. Countless lives are lost by the day in Ukraine and Gaza, while thousands more are being purged in lesser-publicised conflicts like the civil war in Sudan, which has been forced to bear witness to the displacement of eight million people.

In a heartfelt appeal for peace in his Angelus only a few weeks ago, Pope Francis said: “Wherever there is fighting populations are exhausted… Read more »

The peace of Jesus springs from love unafraid of the cross – The Archbishop

Mass on Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

First of all, a warm greeting to our Cathecumens that will receive baptism shortly. I promise you this is a very short homily so that you will be encouraged to return to the Eucharist every Sunday.

Nixtieq insellem ukoll lin-Neokatekumeni li llum bil-libsa l-bajda, qed iġeddu l-wegħdiet tal-magħmudija bħalna lkoll, wara konklużjoni feliċi ta’ itinerarju twil u ta’ impenn… Read more »

The Archbishop asks: Who is Jesus to you?

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Homily by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

I would like to greet our English-speaking guests and others from different parts of the world. A short reflection on one of the phrases at the beginning of this solemn narrative of the Passion of our Lord. Those who went to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane wanted to arrest Him, and Jesus asks, “Whom do you seek?” (Jn 18:4), their answer is “Jesus of Nazareth” (Jn 18:5)… Read more »

Archbishop’s Holy Thursday message: Let us serve one another

The commemoration of the Last Supper of Christ

  St John's Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Il‑kalċi mbierek huwa xirka mad‑demm ta’ Kristu (Salm 115). Id‑demm hu l‑ħajja u allura meta llum niddikjaraw u llum b’mod speċjali nfakkru b’mod solenni x‑xirka tagħna mal‑kalċi mbierek, nifhmu wkoll ix‑xirka tagħna mal‑ħajja ta’ Ġesù u nilqgħu mingħandu d‑don tal‑ħajja.

L‑Ewkaristija hija dik li tgħaqqadna miegħu. F’kapitlu 6 ta’ San Ġwann, Ġesù jinsisti li hu ġie fid‑dinja bħala l‑ħobż tal‑ħajja… Read more »

The Archbishop to the priests: we are servants of a flock that is not ours

Chrism Mass on Maudy Thursday

  St John's Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

“Lil dak li ħabbna, u li ħallna minn dnubietna, bis-saħħa ta’ demmu, u li għamilna saltna, qassisin għal Alla tiegħu u Missieru, lilu l-glorja u s-setgħa għal dejjem ta’ dejjem” (Apok1:5-6). Dawn il-kliem mill-Apokalissi ta’ San Ġwann li qrajna llum nixtieq nipproponihom lilna s-saċerdoti, b’mod speċjali, f’dan il-jum li fih il-Knisja tibda tiġġedded bit-tberik taż-żjut qaddisa. Aħna nġeddu l-impenn saċerdotali tagħna u mil-lejla sal-Għid qaddis tal-Mulej, fit-Tridu tal-Għid, ngħixu mill-qrib dik l-iskola tal-imħabba u ħniena li għallimna Ġesù… Read more »

Even in our darkest moments, the Lord is there for us – The Archbishop on Palm Sunday

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Ippermettuli noffri riflessjoni qasira ispirata minn dan ir-rakkont kommoventi tal-Passjoni tas-Sinjur tagħna Sidna Ġesù Kristu skont San Mark.

First of all I would like to greet our English speaking friends who are with us today as we start the solemn celebration of Holy Week and Palm Sunday, the Sunday dedicated to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ… Read more »